How bad are speed bumps and potholes for your tyres?
Even though speed bumps and potholes are annoying, many drivers don't think about how bad they can be for their cars. Especially tyres are at risk of getting hurt. You must go to the experts for tyre repairs in areas like Wollongong . Speed humps Anyone who drives knows that speed bumps are annoying. Not only do they make the ride rough for drivers, but they also make some of the problems they are supposed to solve worse. For example, some shapes of speed bumps make them easier to go over quickly. Speed bumps can also make more noise and pollution because cars tend to speed up again after slowing down to go over them. What harm can they cause? Speed bumps can do a lot of damage, especially to a car's tyres . Most of the time, humps damage the inside shoulders of a car's tyres , which is a problem because the damage isn't always easy to see. This means that drivers might not even know there's a problem, and a blowout could happen, which, if it happe...